Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Chapter Closes and Another Opens

OK:  In some ways, I can't believe that I am doing this.  In other ways, I have known I needed to do this for some time.

I began writing this blog in December of 2007 and have continued it for almost 5 years.  I had no idea where it would take me and who I would meet along the path.  The blog became a chronicle of our daily adventures on this little farm.  

Along the way, 2227 posts were set down on this little address, and over 61,000 visitors came along side, including 2 distant relatives and their families (one in Germany and another in California) whom I had never known.  I was thrilled.  It is true that some of the numbers were repeats.  And some, who knows how many, simply were lost. They didn't stay long.

Many of you were regulars.  My blog counter gives locations but not addresses, which of course I did not want.  I think the record is over 500 visits from one location.  The blog has allowed for some very interesting conversations, including people in town who knew us by the blog but we did not know them.  They just stopped us by the water filter dispenser at the local grocery store and out of the blue at the antique fair at a local arts festival. 

The intention was to share our adventures but to also encourage the sharing of your own.  It was never to substitute our adventures for another's.  It was to stimulate create thought.

In the past few months, I have been receiving some "nudges" that it is time to move on.  I could hardly imagine it.  But it does seem right. And so I am moving on.  Who knows, maybe another blog will be developed over time.  But for now, I am pretty tired of looking at this little screen.  I am surely making no commitments.  With that, I am headed into having a celebratory cup of tea.  And I am looking forward to that next little excursion outside after dinner or before. 

I feel richly blessed to have had this opportunity.  I extend to you all the best in your own adventures.  Always,


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cutting Back

At this season, we are usually madly scurrying about like squirrels down in the woods.  Something is different.  This season with the drought and some changes in roles on the farm has taken a lot of energy.  Plus, Richard and I are also older.  (Who isn't?)  With that recognition, we are clearly noting that we do have limits.  So we have decided to get done what we can and let the rest go.  Oh, does that ever feel good.

Ever Watchful

These days, we sit on the shoulder season between fall and winter.  One can usually look at which way the wind is blowing and know precisely who is in charge.  In earlier posts, I have called this a dance and it is indeed.

Meanwhile, the People of the Land are ever watchful.  Frost is a distinct possibility.  And with it comes the end of several crops:  tomatoes, green beans, peppers, sweet potatoes.  Despite the drought, we have been blessed with abundance, for which we are very grateful.

Today, Richard dug Sweet Potatoes and Carrots.  The Sweet Potatoes are in the shed "hardening off" their skins.  Newly dug, their skins are very tender and easily damaged.  In a day or two, their skins will be stronger, at which point, they will head to the house to be stored.  Sweet Potatoes were indeed abundant.  Richard did not dig all of the Carrots; they are currently in the downstairs fridge.  Lurah and Hollis Dale picked some treasures for their larder.  It feels so good to share.

We brought in the Geraniums and the Coleus, both of which were in pots.  Richard brought in the Allspice plant.  This lovely treasure has just gotten too big for us so tomorrow she heads to a new home.  I think she is positively gleeful because she will be treasured and well taken care of.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Neighbors and Friends

While fixing dinner, we looked down the drive and noted our Amish neighbor was headed our way with his horse and buggy.  He alighted from the buggy with a pint jar in one hand.  Sure enough they are making 2 batches of sorghum molasses today.  He had brought a sample for us to try and just wanted to see what we thought regarding the progress so far.  Yum.  Richard shared what we knew of the process of making molasses. I shared pictures of specific questions from our poster of molasses making.

Toward the end of our conversation, Hollis Dale, MaLinda and Lurah arrived.  Hollis Dale is the "fire keeper" of the process of our family.  More information was shared.

This little exchange felt wonderful.  I just love to see developments on the order of "neighbors and friends".  Sure makes a person feel at home.