Friday, March 14, 2008

Nature Notes

Glinda writes:

We awake to a dense morning fog. As I carefully move my own fog out of my sleepy being, I note the Sun is just beginning to wipe the outside fog away. So I head downstairs and ask if Richard is up for a walk. The answer is "Yes!" We quickly put on our boots, grab our walking sticks, camera and head outside for a walkabout.

Our great circle walk takes us to the East side of the Farm. We look back and see a milky white Rainbow shape. Here you see the "Rainbow" ending in its own "Pot of Gold". This time it touches down in the chicken coop of the Buff Orpingtons, our Golden Girls as Richard calls them.

We smile. Every day is a new day on the farm and every moment is a new moment. We don't want to miss a thing.

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