Thursday, August 7, 2008

Moving In

Tonight, we begin moving the Little Hennies (who are now mostly big Hennies) into the Big Hen House. Melanie has been reading a lot about this. Our intention is to create the least disruption for either the Hennies who are moving in or the Hennies (and their Rooster) who already live there. We want the new flock to get along and there are some things we can do to optimize that result.

Apparently, the best time for the move is at night. You only move over a few at a time. That way, the Hennies (and their Rooster) who are already at home in the Big Hen House will be on their perches. We have 16 Hennies to move over and will move 4 of them each of the next 4 nights. Tonight, we will move over 4 of the Buff Orpingtons. It is almost dark now, so the time for the move is coming soon.

In fact, Melanie and Richard just came in. "It's done!"

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