Friday, October 8, 2010


October 3:
The moment finally came.

The Marathon Summer had been intense with all the Rain, Storms, Chiggers, Weeds. We could hardly take a break. We did not know what "break" was. Our antenna were up. We were ever vigilant for the next challenge.

Harvest season came. Yes, there were losses. Despite adversity, our Garden and the Earth produced Abundance at every Turn. We were deeply grateful.

Then, Frost was predicted with the arrival of October. That was well ahead of the 1st Frost Date of October 10th for these parts. We headed into overdrive to gather whatever we could.

And my Dear Elderly Mother came down with Pneumonia and had a stay in the Hospital. We (and especially me) focused on her with an ever watchful Eye.

Just when we thought we had not 1 particle of energy, we made that last Batch of Sorghum Molasses on Sunday. Pretense went out the Window. We moved in and out of the complexity of Tasks for the day; magically and seamlessly, Folks stepped up to the plate. What needed to be done was done. Cane was milled, Juice was strained, and boiling down began. We had a most welcome Lunch of Food which appeared out of nowhere on that wide Table under the Oak.

And then we found moments of delicious rest awaiting. We took it in quiet conversations in easy Chairs on the Lawn. Some of us laid down on the Earth and felt that Glorious Sun pouring down. Those are the Photographers Knees at right.

The circle of Adults in this spot were at 1 with the Ground. And Baby Alexis quietly and gently sat and played in the middle. Finally, that moment of Rest had arrived. And a sense that the deeper Rest of Winter would be at hand.

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