Sunday, October 31, 2010

Help Is on the Way

These days, we are pretty worn out. The intensity has been "over the top". I feel like we are runners who have been on a long marathon. We 3 C's have little energy left. The finish line is close. Will we have enough energy to get there?

Five Urban Gardeners from the Kansas City area came to help on Friday afternoon: Les, Alicia and Evangeline, Bobby and Jennifer. We had known Les from before. These Urban Gardeners are touring Gardens in the area. Home Base for them is the Possibility Alliance down the Road. Ethan sent them right up to help us. Our Gardening Friends went right to work on our list of what we needed to do in the Garden: pulling the remaining Dry Edible Beans, taking out Tomato Cages and Tomato Supports, digging Glad Bulbs.
Probably one of the most significant things that they did was to go after the Weeds. They pulled what they could find and placed them in a burn pile. Those Weeds are loaded with Seeds, which is the way Nature intended. The problem is that those Seeds will become Plants and they will be vigorous in the Garden. Pulling them and disposing of them in a way that Seeds are destroyed is important.

It is amazing to see how Folks who are "fresh" with energy stores can plow through the garden. At the beginning we offered them a Tour and Orientation to the Farm. At the end, there was time for some exploration, play and conversation.

They were very interested in the Sorghum Molasses Operation. We headed straight to the Cane Field. Richard even found some Green Sorghum Canes for sampling. The Juice was down but the Sweetness was up. While I love the taste of the Juice, my Favorite Part surely is spitting out the pulp. My spitting techniques and distance seem some better.Evangeline spent some time with the Chickens. The Chickens were intrigued with her Company and especially enjoyed some of the Treats. Melanie followed up with Chicken Stories. That's Coobird below. She is named for her sound and my Childhood Nickname.

In the special time that Evangeline was here, she contributed some names to 3 of the Littles from the year: "Shy", "Curious", and "Orange Feet". We smiled. Some among us are surely the "Namers".As quickly as the Gardening Fairies had come, they were soon gone. But in their wake was a Garden which was very happy to be tended, and some very grateful Human Gardeners. Thanks so much, Friends! We are so very grateful. Good wishes ahead on your own Gardening Adventures.

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