Friday, March 6, 2009

Nature Notes

We are in the middle of a welcome warm spell with temperatures in the 50s, 60s, 70s. More signs of Spring are emerging. We wondered when we would hear those 1st Frogs. Yesterday we heard Western Chorus Frogs for the 1st time, and today we heard those wonderful Spring Peepers. Frog sounds bring broad grins on the Humans.

Snow Geese were overhead and they were flying high. Conditions were right, and their flight showed their serious intent to move. They have a full agenda ahead.

Melanie and I saw 2 baby Calves in the neighbor's pasture yesterday. We stopped the car and watched. They were new. And those legs were folding and unfolding in several directions.

Richard and Melanie saw Meadow Larks on the neighbor's spread. I thought I heard one here on the Farm. Melanie even saw a Butterfly.

The Chickens gleefully chase about in the yard as Insects are now more possible in their diets than the Winter fare.

At Sunrise and Sunset, the Sun continues to move to more northerly points on the Horizon. The little Seedlings we planted at the South windows are making their presence known as they relish in that glorious Sun, which seems to strengthen every day.

The air smells like Spring. That simple shift refreshes one's senses and one's body right down to the essence of our being. When I went inside the house after being out, the air smelled "stale". So I opened windows to flush out Winter's grip.

We have started putting laundry on the line. It is not routine yet. Today, we put out sheets. I just love the smell of Sunshine in the freshly cleaned wash.

As for now, Richard has headed up the driveway to pick up the mail. It is past 8pm. It was busy today and we were tired, so we forgot such matters. In a few moments, we will head outside to hear those glorious Frogs one more time. Those Frogs have waited a whole year to sing these first beautiful songs.

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