Sunday, December 13, 2009

Memories of Molasses Taffy

December 9:

Melanie made Homemade Molasses Taffy today. Yum. She made it with Molasses which our Family made this last Fall. The Recipe had no White Sugar or Corn Syrup either. The Sweetener was straight Sorghum Molasses.

Simple Recipes like Molasses Taffy bring up magical memories of times long ago. I remember helping make Molasses Taffy when I was probably about 7. Our Neighbors to the South were known to put a lot of time and energy into cooking. Of German Heritage, the Mr. and Mrs. cooked lots of things we didn't, but their seriousness about Food and Good Food (to them) was very evident to their Neighbors who were not drawn to similar things.

As a Special Treat, Mrs. S. was planning to make Molasses Taffy and, since I was a good Friend of their Daughter who was older, I was invited over. It was January and the ground was White with New Snow.

I don't remember much about the cooking part, but I do remember that Mrs. S. had a heavy oval dish which was coated with Butter. When the Taffy was cooked to the right degree, she poured it on the Platter. As I recall, she put the Platter outside in the Snow to cool the Taffy. She checked it often and then brought it back inside when it was just right.

We Small Ones covered our hands with Butter and then pulled that Golden Stuff to our Heart's Content. I remember eating some of it. It was just delicious.

Those little snippets of Memory of treasured times which are tucked away are simply amazing. I wouldn't have thought of this until Melanie began making Taffy today. And, that Precious Memory from my Childhood Past was right there.

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