Sunday, July 18, 2010


The little Peeps are now 12 weeks old. Already those little Pullets are developing their own personalities. And of course, they are looking different too.

Should you come to the Farm, we would definitely want you to meet our sweet Clara. Actually, she would be 1 of the 1st to greet you. Once you walked into the Coop, she would be at your feet looking up. If you were sitting in the Coop on the Jungle Gym, she would probably launch herself up on to your shoulders.

Clara is a Delaware Hennie. She is pretty much all white, with delicate spots of black/charcoal gray on her shoulders, wings and tail. She is just beginning to develop her comb. She's kind of all gangly like a teenager. But they all look like that just now. You will notice a smudge of soft brown at the back of her long beautiful neck. That smudge of soft brown comes with a story.

You see, we hang those old timey Fly Paper Strips in the Chicken Houses to keep the Fly population down. A couple of weeks ago, we found quite a bit of activity in the Brooder House where the Pullets hang out. Wouldn't you know the Fly Paper Strip had come down on dear unsuspecting Clara. She must have took off running. But even when she slowed down, the other little Pullets put up quite a fuss with her new and unfamiliar trailing tail. A reminder of that day is carried in that smudge of soft brown at the base of her neck.

Today we lost one of the Baby Peeps. Recently, Little Peep had ceased to grow and be as vital as the other Littles. Melanie gave this little one considerable support, but it was not to be. Before the Little passed, Clara could be observed snuggling up to Little Peep. After Little Peep passed, Richard placed him along the fence outside the Coop. Once again, Clara came close. When Richard took him away for burial, Clara followed Richard down the fence as he carried Little Peep away.

Before I came to the Farm, it never occurred to me that Chickens would each have their own personalities. I cannot believe that a so-called "educated person" would never consider such a thing. Clara and all the other Chickens are quite the teachers, you see.

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