Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Crazy here today. Sort of feels like an Beehive or an Ant Hill.  Seedlings went outside.  It is a little cool yet.  We have a lot.  A lot.  So that is no small job.  Phone ringing off hook. Jackie came to pick up Rhubarb plants.  Amish neighbor stopped to see Clemens while he is here.  Clemens, our Amish neighbor and carpenter/cabinet maker, is working with Richard to put shelving in the utility room. Beautiful local wood. Kitchen counter-top is coming by semi. Will be delivered to Clemens' because he will do the finishing.  Richard and Clemens just headed up to an Amish house raising (15 minutes away) to borrow strong hands and backs to carry the 500 lbs (crate include). Couch potatoes need not apply.  I am need to make lunch.  Truck driver Ronnie just called.  He is going through LaPlata which is about 15 minutes away.  I should get a picture.  Have been doing back up and support for these many functions, plus cleaning up various things that have needed attention.  Am going to see Holly today for Acupuncture.  That will be great.  Richard and Clemens will return to finish the shelving.  Brad is coming from the Brookfield area to bring organic chicken feed.  He will likely arrive in Kirksville to connect with us there.  I wonder what is for dinner?  No, I gotta make lunch.
OK, Glinda, don't think about it all because it is too much.  Just keep your head down and do one thing at a time. 

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