Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Season of the Dance

I usually forget, but as the seasons pass and the drama picks up, I remember.  The shoulder seasons of Spring and Fall feature a dynamic dance between warm Summer weather arising out of the Gulf and cold Winter weather roaring in from the Arctic.  You never can tell who is going to win.  But they are surely engaged in a dance where each is trying to take the lead. 

As time passes, one yields.  At this end of the seasonal calendar, we expect that will be Summer in all of her radiance. As for the Humans and all Beings on this Great Earth, we have some pretty splendid front row seats.  It is also offers some excellent reflection on how very small that we are.  We Humans particularly of my culture tend to have a hard time with this. I can imagine that the Earth smiles.  We will get it sometime, particularly as we choose to be here.

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