Monday, May 31, 2010

Dry Edible Beans Are Up

Richard and Melanie let me know this morning that my Dry Edible Beans are up! They are among my favorites to grow in the Garden. So I ate some breakfast and off to the Garden I went for my own little inspection tour.

I planted my Dry Edible Beans of which I am very proud just 6 days ago. Because our window of planting was at last open just a bit, I skipped planting "in the sign". In fact, it was "root time". We seemed to be inbetween rains, but we have had no rain since.

To my delight, those little Bean Seedlings were indeed up across all the varieties. I headed back into house to get my record book to take a closer look.One by one, I looked at each of the rows. These varieties wanna grow: Henderson Bush Limas, Hutterite Soup, Tiger's Eye, Arikara Yellow, Boston's Favorite, Painted Pony, Cherokee Wax, Jacob's Cattle Gasless, Calypso, Blackeye Peas, Charlevoix Dark Red Kidney, Vermont Cranberry, Lina Cisco's Bird Egg, Sue's Jacob's Cattle, Karen's Bean. The latter 2 were given as gifts. Some had continuous row of Baby Seedlings. Others were just beginning their emergence.

I chuckle because when I was in the 5th Grade, we planted Bean Seeds as a part of a Science Project. Mine emerged, it was beautiful, but it died. I was really sad that my Bean Plant died. I think I even cried over that Seedling. As if that was not enough, I got an "M" (or "C") for that little episode and for the quarter in Science. I never did much care for my 5th grade teacher for that and some other reasons besides. Anyway, my little Bean Plant Episode in 5th Grade has been like a little splinter festering to emerge after all of these years. And it surely has.Back to the present: Melanie asked how I felt about all my little Seedlings. I was so excited. I kind of looked like a Little Sprout in the Garden myself.

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