Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Jonathan keeps working away at shelves in the Basement. We are very pleased. That's all local wood. His design is in keeping with our specific needs and functions to make this Little House into a Missouri Farm House. You will note the work station to the left.

This is the 2nd set of shelves Jonathan has built in the basement. Richard looked at the 1st set and commented that it is really good to see a finished product of someone who takes pride in their work.

I am not so sure why that sounds so unusual, but these days it seems like a lot of folks are just putting out the minimum. Seems like what you put out is also what comes back to you. Who are we fooling?

Over the next 4 days, we will be cleaning up the area of sawdust. Then we will put boxes and tubs on the shelves according to the functions we have in mind. We are already looking ahead to the next storage project. Hopefully, Jonathan will return soon for the next round to weave his magic yet again.

These storage projects surely are helping us feel like we are home here. That feeling seems like the product of time, experience, and bonding.

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