Monday, July 5, 2010

Grandmother Lottie's Scrapbook

I continue to pour over Grandmother Lottie's Scrapbook of Clippings, as do others. In the photo above, Mother's 2nd Cousin Carrie dives right into the Book. We could hardly pull her away. Her Mother Stella (who was Lottie's 1st Cousin) also made a similar Book. The Cousins were very close and they shared a common Community. This Book (along with Stella's) actually brought together Mother, Carrie, her Daughter Linda, Melanie and Me. This was (and is) treasured time indeed. We will gather again on Wednesday. We just cannot seem to get enough.

In the moment, I am inventorying its contents. So far, the list of contents is 27 pages long and in double columns. This listing is a bit of a Road Map into something that is huge, rich and deep.

This Gift of my Grandmother and my taking time to immerse myself in it offer a rare and precious glimpse of her Life and Times. Plus, I am pausing for reflection on my own Life and Times too. My intent is to make the Book available to her Descendants and to some of those who connect into the Community she loved so well. I hope to complete this relatively quickly and so far I am speeding right along.

When I complete the inventory, I shall construct (with the help of those who knew her) a story of her Life. It will be complete with Pictures. Otherwise, you wouldn't even know who did it.

I think of the Cemeteries where the Old Ones are buried. They seem outside the consideration of Busy Modern Life. Yet, those Folks who are buried there are a part of who we are. Our Lives are incomplete without knowing them.

I am heading back into it...

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