Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Preps

It's beginning to feel more and more like Winter. Shift in seasons is surely in the air. That means that final preparations for Winter are in order. In the last couple of days,
  • Garden statues migrated into the Garage.
  • Cornelia, the Scare Crow, took up winter quarters in the garage too.
  • We filled all available 5 gallon buckets with rain water and brought them inside for the inside plants.
  • The Rain Barrel was emptied, cleaned and put away.
  • Barbecue grills were stored.
  • Mums from the Bakers and the Kerbys, and Rachel found places in the west garden.
  • 14 gallons of Carrots were dug.
  • Bird baths were tucked away.
  • Containers from the West Porch are now stacked in the Garage.
  • That newly arrived compost was spread onto 7 raised Garden Beds.
Mostly, Richard did all of this. He worked slowly and deliberately. I'd look out and there he was in yet another place. Melanie and I had in town work to do today. Plus, I am pretty pooped out these days from all the intensity of the last few weeks and months.

Rest is good. We can almost feel a longer rest coming. Yesterday, we had 2 Garden Catalogs arrive in the Mailbox. After the intensity of these last few months, we aren't ready for that. So Melanie carefully tucked them away.

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