Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blueberry Time

June 24:

On this day, Melanie and I headed to Lost Branch Blueberry Farm for opening day of Blueberry Season.  Begun in 2004 (with preparation of the Soil), this Farm is a U-Pick operation run by the Price Family.  It is a treasure.  So are they.  Melanie and I picked for eating and for freezing and our skills are improving. 

Neither Melanie or I can imagine beginning a Blueberry Season without picking on opening day.  As June moves on, we carefully watch their web site for news of that special day. We do hope that over time we will have more of our own Blueberries, but we are very grateful to the Prices for their gifts until we do.

On this beautiful day, the parking lot was full.  We connected with old and new friends.  Melanie commented that Blueberries make her happy.  I overheard a little boy enthusiastically telling his Mother that he was going to make Blueberry Pancakes for all of his Grandparents.  He also asked if they could stop on the way home at a favorite store which has a lunch counter, ask for Ice Cream, and pour Blueberries on top. I can imagine that anyone within earshot was smiling.

The kind and range of interaction we had is not usually replicated on the produce aisle of the local big box store.  People for the most part were playful, joyous, and in awe at the Blueberries dripping from the Bushes.  We have snippets of such interactions at the local grocery store (and they are special indeed), but not to the extent that we had under that beautiful Blue Sky on land that was carefully tended where Blueberries were graciously offered. 

We will enjoy Blueberries from this day over the coming months.  Every time we open a bag, we will remember the beauty of this day.  Thank you, Robert and Kerri Price and family.

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