Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today's breakfast started yesterday. Melanie said "Let's make butter." So she got down the old Dazey Churn Richard made butter with when he was a child. The Dazey Churn is a 1 gallon glass jar with a lid, paddles and crank that with a little time and some elbow grease turns cream into butter. Our recipe was:

2 pints Cream,
3 People,
1 Dazey Churn,
30 Minutes,
1 and 1/2 cups yummy Sweet Butter and
1 pint Buttermilk.

The following slide set shows some of the action.
Our next question was: "What do we do with fresh buttermilk?" And our response: "Let's have Buttermilk Pancakes." Melanie headed to the cookbook stash and invented the following recipe. Yes, invented this recipe. We 3 Crawfords love to cook. We know what we like; we increasingly know how to put things together; and voila! food tailored to our own taste. Yes, we do have mistakes, but we call them lessons and learning along the path.
Buttermilk Pancakes
1 and 1/3 cups white flour
2/3 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups buttermilk (or yogurt)
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 and 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 and 1/2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1 tablespoon Rapadura (closest substitute is brown sugar)
2 tablespoons melted butter
Soak flours in buttermilk overnight. Will create a "sponge". Next morning, stir in remaining ingredients. Add water for desired consistency. Cook on hot oiled iron skillet. Eat. [Cookbooks for inspiration: Nourishing Traditions (Fallon, 2001), Joy of Cooking (Rombauer et al., 1997)]

What you see below is our breakfast this morning: Buttermilk Pancakes, Fresh Sweet Butter, Crawford Molasses (Yes, the Crawford clan has reclaimed Molasses making!), Pecans (from Moberly, 60 miles away), and Filtered Water. Yummy!
What was playing on the Big Screen TV? Birds were eating exuberantly at the feeders. Here you see male and female Purple Finches and Goldfinches at the feeder Richard built. They are eating Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, which give them extra energy for the winter season. And the 3 Humans were sitting inside chowing down on our wonderful breakfast. Who had the best breakfast? It depends on who you ask.

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