Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sacred Gift

Glinda writes:

In my meanderings of life, I have traveled far and wide: seeking. Those wanderings at the interior of me have been by far my hardest and most exquisite. On all my meanderings, I have pondered some very basic questions about the meaning of this great adventure I seem to be traveling.

For me, life is a sacred gift. It is a gift from a Divine Being, One who bears many names in many traditions. For me that Divine Being is Creator, Grandfather, God.

In the story I have come to know, the Creator gives us life. He gifts us with breath, with steps along the path. Then it follows that breath is also sacred. So too are those steps. He has also honored us with a whole realm of Creation infinite beyond our wildest imagination, from which we draw company and sustenance. While I am not perfect by any means, I seek to honor that gift in every breath, in every step. I intend to honor that family of Creation with whom I am gifted to share this time, this space.

How could I not?

Photo: We have watched for Bobwhite Quail with great excitement on our little farm. Late one afternoon, Melanie and I returned home after being in town. Fresh snow lay all about. Richard was inside making a wonderful dinner. I discovered tracks of about a dozen quail right next to the front of the house. We could easily figure out the time. These beautiful little creatures had walked in front of the house and virtually under Richard's nose within the 30 minutes before.

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