Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bird Walk at the Possibility Alliance Saturday

In a time of utter disregard and illiteracy about the Precious Creatures that surround the Human in our "advanced civilization", a Precious Few in our midst know these Precious Creatures, love them, and have capabilities of telling their stories in ways that open our Hearts.  In my experience, they are the "Keepers of the Stories of the Land".  They are treasures in our midst.

My husband is one of them and he is far too humble to invite or accept such praises.  But I am his wife, I have known him for almost half a century, and I am the principal writer on this Blog.  Tee hee hee.  Ah, the power of the pen, or rather the fingers on these keys.  But back to the subject:  Richard is a professional Ornithologist, and Birds are far more than a pedigree to him. 

Saturday, he's leading a Bird Walk at the Possibility Alliance.  You are welcome to join us.  Wear Walking Shoes, bring Binocs and Bird Books if you have them. 

Prior to these walks, I always wonder what magic is in store for us.  Who will greet us from the Natural World?  Who will invite us into their space?  What stories will we learn?  This is the time when when many of the Birds have completed their nesting cycles and are getting ready for annual migration.  They have big travel plans ahead.  Thinking back on these many many excursions intio Nature, I am never disappointed. 

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