Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Canning Tomatoes

Richard and Melanie headed to the pantry shelves to count jars of Tomatoes this morning.  We can't know completely how many we need to can this year until we count what is remaining.  Word has it that we have jars of Tomatoes and Tomato related products on our shelves from previous years:  Ketchup (6 pints), Tomato Sauce (3 pints), Spaghetti Sauce (2 pints), Salsa (30 pints), Whole Tomatoes (33 Quarts), Tomato Soup (1 quart), Tomato Juice (1 quart), and Tomato Sauce (1 quart).

In the meantime, Richard had also gathered 9 gallons of Tomatoes from the Garden.  They are ready to go.  So he has the Kitchen all set up to can Tomatoes today. 

A call from Hollis' lets us know that a distant relative is here for a very brief time.  The Tomato Canner stopped in his tracks.  He and Melanie went over to Hollis' for a brief visit.  We always make time for such special gatherings. Tomato Canning will be back in production soon.

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