It's been a whirlwind week and it is only Thursday. Richard wondered if he could clone himself. There is much to do. We seem to be flying. Help has arrived too. Life seems to be filled with comings and goings. Was it Kermit the Frog that said that? The following pictures are glimpses of this part of the week. They are in chronological order.
Last week, we brought home on trial a 9 month old puppy who, as a stray, had been starving 3 weeks before. I would have liked to have reported that it all worked out fine. But it didn't. Sami is a sweet dog who I think under the right circumstances would thrive. He had some needs that we just weren't prepared to address. Plus our lives are intense right now with construction and the beginning of gardening season at peak. I do think that he is and was a great teacher and that he will help us be better prepared for that special dog who makes his/her home here. Earlier in the week, we headed to the Humane Society with Sami, his treasures, prayers that he would find just what he needs.
Baby Chicks are growing. After a little over a week here, they were ready to go to their big house. That is always a charming time. We have our own little parade out here on the Farm.
Flowers are blooming. Columbines look like ballerinas dancing in the breeze. Spider Wort is blooming in my flower beds. I even saw some Spider Wort blooming out on the Meadow near "Cedar Island".
Two Gardening Angels joined us. I just smile when I think about it. They are kindred spirits on their paths of growing and discovery during these amazing times. Their quiet and gentle presence has made a wonderful background of support and companionship. Here, Noah and Emily are helping to transplant Herb seedlings.
And of course, we are in high gear with the kitchen renovation. Clemens brought over cabinetry on Monday. He, his son Joseph, and Richard carefully installed the cabinetry. As per usual, Clemens used his skills and watchful eye to bring the work together.
Afterwards, Melanie walked through in awe. She commented that is so uncommon these days to see work that is handmade, from someone who is skilled and who cares about their work. She hadn't even known that was possible. That surely is a statement on our times.
The Lazy Susan is almost set to handle very important future challenges here on the Farm. Bearings allow 1000 pounds of weight, which we don't think would happen here. But if it did, we would be prepared.
I would be remiss not to note that we have had considerable traffic here this week particularly with the kitchen re-do but others also: electrician, plumbers, propane inspector (and delivery), furnace/air conditioning regular maintenance. Richard has borrowed Hollis' truck which has helped with the move of the cabinetry and counter top. We have been "camping" inside to get the regular work of feeding done. Changing a kitchen is probably one of the most disruptive remodeling challenges that I can imagine. Some days, I either forgot to eat or the food just was not available. Never mind the sink is in a different place and all things are stored in new locations. Fortunately, the disruption is short term.

Peonies are blooming in profusion. This is the first year we have had quite this show. All of the plants are transplants. Some are from Mother, one is from Deborah, and I purchased 2 from an old style nursery as a result of answers to my question: "What would the Grandmothers have grown?" I think I have succeeded somewhat in my goal to create a Grandmother's flower garden. One of the plumbers who came today said the yard reminded him of such relatives.
Copper Irises are blooming in the dwindling light of early evening. I love these Irises. They were a gift from Sarah Saltmarsh, and they seem very happy here. The plan is that plugs of Native Plants will be put in other places on the property. It's on the list of "to do's" anyway. Some day. Not today.
Emily and Noah's time here has been quiet and supportive, both of them to us and of us to them. They are both fasting. Building in ample time for rest and support, they have been spending time gently weeding in the big garden. Gentle presences in the Garden and on this Farm are a comfort to all. In the meantime, the flurry of activity in the house is in high gear. Balance is good.
On this day, plumbers hooked up the sink. Yippee skippee. Is this for real? It sure doesn't feel like it. Richard put the top coat on the Richlite counter top. It is just simply gorgeous. We are getting stuff put away. That will take a while. My plan is to cull and clean as we put away.
Today was "fruit day". I would like to say I planted all of my Dry Edible Beans, but I didn't, so I can't. I did the next best thing, or perhaps the best thing. Last summer, I attended the Indigenous Environmental Network meeting on Ft. Berthold Reservation (in what is now known as North Dakota). I had the great privilege of hearing the Keeper of the Mayan calendar speak. Among other things, he talked about 3 essential things for us to do in these times: (1) have seed exchanges, (2) create seed banks, (3) bless the seeds. At the close of one of his presentations, he passed out Bean Seeds to each of us. I got 7, representing 2 varieties. On this day, we planted them in our Garden. Sacred time.
Rachel should have arrived in the area today. Dear Rachel is graduating from A.T. Still University with her D.O. degree. That makes me smile. We are hosting Rachel and her family this weekend. The whirlwind week continues.
In the meantime, we are making strides toward the "work party" date at our house on Monday and the Seed and Plant Exchange May 19. Life is beautiful, rich and full. Rest is essential. I am headed to bed.