Monday, May 28, 2012

A Small Rain

Today was a busy day.  It was a "fruit day" so Richard and I were moving about preparing gardening beds and planting seeds.  I planted Sunflowers and Indian Corn.  I am pleased to report that I shall be done with my planting soon.  When the Sweet Potatoes go in later on this week, I should be close to done.  That is a great feeling.

It is hard at this season to still be planting when some crops are ready for harvest and preservation.  Plus, others need weeding.  It's like having a whole lot of kids out there and each one needs attention for their own good reasons.

Richard's nephew Hollis Dale came over in the afternoon to mow.  We are always grateful for his help.  It is a great relief for Richard too.  This time, he mowed the new configuration of paths in the area of the pond.

He and Richard talked about the Stukey Cemetery, which is where some of the early settlers around Millard are buried (including Richard's family). Richard's great grandparents were Abel and Mandana Cowen Cunningham Stukey.  To the family's dismay, the Stukey Cemetery had been "rough mowed".  Trees and shrubs were growing up.  Some of the tombstones need attention.  When we were there, Richard dug out 3 tombstones from the mid 1800s, all of which mark graves of family members in his direct ancestral line (or a branch of the tree).  Hollis Dale went over to mow the Stukey Cemetery after he was here and it sounds like he will be mowing there (and cleaning up) the rest of the summer and fall.  That feels really good.

By late afternoon, the Bees needed another quart of sugar water.  I made the sugar water and when it had dissolved, Richard and I both changed into our Bee Ware.  That means long pants and long sleeved shirt.  I suited up in the Bee Suit and we walked to the Bee Yard.   Richard and I do this together and it goes considerably faster.  He held the full quart of sugar water while I approached the hive.  I took the empty quart and carefully walked back to Richard.  He unscrewed the perforated lid and placed it on the full quart.  I then walked carefully back to the hive and inserted the quart jar in its spot.  We then walked back to the garage and house.  Since it was a hot day, I was unpeeling parts of my Bee Suit.

Thundershowers were possible in the morning and afternoon.  Since it is so dry in these parts, we are praying for rain.  We had a few drops in the morning but that was it.  By late afternoon, I had wash on the line and Richard was out picking strawberries.  The rains came.  It didn't amount to much.  We got less than 1/8 inch.  Another 1/3 was added to each of the Rain Barrels.  We aren't complaining.  We will take whatever we can get.  More rain is in the forecast by the end of the week.

The rain sure gave my clothes a nice rainwater rinse.  My plans for fresh sheets on the bed were put on hold.  Richard was soaked.  Fortunately he was out in the garden and he could hear the scared and frantic peeps of the baby chickens who are now about 5 weeks old.  They were all piled up in a corner of their pen.  Richard said they were about 3 deep.  If he had not found them quickly and escorted them to their house, we would have lost a substantial number.  When this happens, the ones on the bottom can easily smother.  They must have gotten caught out in the rain and did not know what to do. 

The rains stopped almost as quickly as they started.  We had dinner on the west porch because the chairs were dry.  Afterwards, we hulled the strawberries and put them in the freezer. 

Temperatures rolled in cool with the rain.  So I turned off the air conditioning (which I do not like to use) and opened the windows to cool the place down.

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