Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aromas of the Season

This little entry was inspired by the doin's in the Kitchen as I tap-tap-tap on these keys. Richard and Melanie are making Salsa.

Technology has its limits. Big limits. While telling our story on this Blog, we can share pictures and words. But we cannot share the aromas of the Season. I guess we just have to rely on your memory or your inquisitiveness of such things.

So what aromas would I tuck into this little Blog? All of the following are the real thing, fresh out of the Garden and fresh off the Farm.
  • The making of Salsa
  • Chopped Cilantro
  • Fresh picked Peaches, dripping down one's arm
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped Garlic
  • Blackberries cooking into Syrup or Jam
  • The making of Pickles
  • Mint drying on the dehydrator
  • Fresh Sweet Corn with Butter dripping
  • Crushed Basil
  • Apple Pie in the oven
  • Fresh mown Hay

1 comment:

Nathaniel and Rebecca in the Pacific Northwest (and other places) said...

Your posts make me hungry!

I'm glad to read that the monarchs are migrating. I had heard that there was some concern over the numbers of monarchs in MO this year.

Nat and I miss our butterfly milkweed bush. Apparently that plant is considered invasive in the Pacific Northwest so sadly, that won't be apart of our fall planting at the new house. Keep up the great posts!