Monday, August 4, 2008

Meditations on Blackberries and Peaches

Blackberries and Peaches are the Produce of the Day. This morning, Richard joined his brother Hollis in picking the Biggest Wild Blackberries either of them have ever seen.

We froze 7-two cup portions, and 4-four cup portions of Blackberries. The latter are perfect for Pies. We worked up most of the last of the Peaches. We canned 20 pints (without sugar). After supper, we will make Spiced Peaches, a favorite recipe we've reclaimed which has at least 80 known years of history in my family.

As I write this, Richard is tidying up Mrs. Peach Tree. She pushed an abundance of Peaches, holding fast to her charge through all of those Storms. Her branches were heavily laden with fruit, so heavy that some became broken. She needed some pruning for "air" so that She and her future fruit crops will be as healthy as can be. Taking care of Her as She has taken care of us seems like a fitting thing to do.

How did the Earth create these things? Why did She create these things which would mean our sustenance (along with many other creatures)? In all of our marked achievements in the Human World, all pale in comparison with these wondrous things.

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