Monday, August 11, 2008

Thank You, Little Roosters...

Richard began processing the 50 Beautiful Little White Plymouth Rock Roosters. That little statement is more delicate language and less to the point than some alternatives. In some ways, it evades the issue. I suppose it would be better to say "taking the lives of the Little Roosters" because that is indeed what we did. As Melanie had said, their lives would be short and they would be loved. They have.

In our Culture, people stay pretty detached from such things, while a good percentage are meat eaters and often quite proud of it. Thinking about the actions which give us meat does produce a mix of feelings. Such thinking is messy and we detach. In the process of our detachment, we forget that something died that we may live. The Gifts of the Roosters provide nourishment for our bodies. In the rush of our days, we forget a simple and humble chain of words: "Thank you, Little Roosters."

We are trying to be very mindful of the abundance that supports our very existence on this Little Farm. It is not easy. But, we also find it far easier than any artificial detachment we experienced before.

The Rooster Yard is quieter now. Richard processed 12 Birds on Friday and 20 on Sunday. The remaining 18 are a little small yet so completion will probably be a few more days.

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