Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Little Construction Project

The little Hennies are growing. In fact, they are looking like Big Hennies, without their Combs. It's amazing how fast they have grown and right before our eyes.

Not only are they bigger, but they are outgrowing their Little House. That means they are just about ready to move to the Big (Hennies+1 Rooster) House. Before they can move in, we need an Addition to the Big House to accomodate them all.

Richard has been working on and off again on the Addition to the Big House. The Rains with other distractions have slowed his work. While he was waiting for that perfect moment to do the outside work, he built most of the pieces for the Addition. The moment to put it together arrived yesterday. He was up and at it as soon as there was enough light. Hollis and Melanie joined him as team. For the most part, the (Big) Hen House was complete by Noon, with just a few details waiting for attention. It has been wonderful to hear the sounds of the saw and the hammering of nails, and smell that new cut wood on the Farm.

The Big Hennies didn't seem to be bothered by all the commotion. They moved in and out of the House doing their usual routine: eating, laying Eggs. I think they are pretty thrilled with their new Digs.

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