Friday, April 11, 2008

Chicken Order

Richard ordered chickens this week: 50 White Rock males, 10 Buff Orpington females, and 5 Barred Rock females. The White Rocks will be birds for the table. The Buff Orpingtons are replacers for the layers, which always needs to be considered in the plan. And the Barred Rocks are just because we wanted them. The Cackle Hatchery catalog describes the Barred Rocks as kid friendly.

The 1 day old baby chicks will be shipped on April 30 with arrival scheduled for May 2. Allison LaDuke arrives for a visit on May 4. Alli is very special to us. Melanie wanted to have baby chicks when she arrives, just like Grandma Crawford used to plan for Melanie's visits some years ago.

When Richard placed the order, he could hear baby chicks peeping away in the background. This hatchery is a 3rd generation family business beginning operation in 1936.

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