Sunday, October 5, 2008


I gaze in awe at the Swirl of Motion around me. Nature's intensity of Energy is at Crescendo. The Energies are in High Drama, pushing and pulling all about.

Some Energies push up seemingly from the Earth herself. The Harvest is in full swing. The Earth and Garden lift Produce into our Arms at every turn. The Humans we know seem to share their Abundance, like our Neighbors did with their Pears. Seeds are everywhere, ripening, bowing in gratitude, taking excursions on Wind. We have some Seed collecting to do for coming growing Seasons. Richard has already brought in Sorghum Cane Seed for Chicken Treats and for Seed Stash. Daylight is less but the Sun is still warm. The Sun casts greater light through the South face of the Porch and into the South Windows of our Little Home. We continue to preserve Food and our space is filling to overflowing. The Freezers are turning into large and jubilant Puzzles. Do we need another one?

Other Energies are pushing down into the Earth. Somehow, I can almost feel that vibrant energy of the Plants shifting downward for snuggle and rest time. The Foliage on the Trees is changing in color. The lush Greens show brush strokes of Yellows, Oranges, Reds, and Tans. Leaves are replenishing carpets on the Ground. Some Leaves have soft to distinct Rattles to their Sound. I haven't followed the activities of the Squirrels but I can imagine they are storing provisions as busily we are. We are cooking those wonderful foods that mark the Fall. We had Stuffed Peppers, Boiled Potatoes, and Sweet Corn tonight. Soups, Roasts, and Root Vegetables are favorites at this time. They somehow ground us and fill our Bellies with Heat, something needed as the Weather shifts.

Energies are moving strongly to the South. While quite busy on the Ground, we have been engrossed in the Southward Migration of our Feathered Friends. We have watched many Summer Companions depart. The Birds have filled Power Lines and chattered among their Friends. They lifted off on short bursts of spontaneous Flights of Training. And then, overnight, they were gone. The Hummingbirds left in the last few days. The Peak of the Monarch Butterfly Migration has passed, but we still see a few. We are watching a Chrysalis on the Porch as it turns dark. That Monarch will need to have bags packed to join the Southward Migration. The Winter Birds have yet to arrive.

We know the Energy will shift soon to be primarily from the North. We watch the Weather and the North with interest. Rain is expected early this week. Mother tells me that Fall rains often bring cooler weather on the other side. I hunt around for my Warmer Clothes, but not too seriously yet. We are ever vigilant of Frost and have an urgent checklist for those moments before and after in the Garden. Even the Night Sky has changed. Orion is making his presence known. We know the Winter Winds will be coming. A Blanket of White will cover the Land. Quiet will reign where only a few short months ago the Birdsongs of Spring filled the Skies with Sound.

During this Season, we are in a Dance. The Winds of the North are in a Tango with the Winds of the South. Somedays, it seems much like Summer and other days, it does not. That upward motion of Harvest from the Earth is countered by the downward motion into the time of Rest. Each seems to beckon for control. Soon, the Winter will prevail.

The transitions of these Seasons bring distinct Emotions among the Humans. The vibrant Energy of the Earth at Harvest produces much Joy and Celebration. The loss of Summer Companions counters with unexpected moments of Sadness.

When that Energy finally shifts into Winter, we will stay inside more. We will at last get some rest. Nature seems to designate this upcoming Season as times of Rest and Inner Journey. I have some Books that are beckoning. I shall be back to Family History projects. My plan is to edit these Little Epistles and more into a book I've known I am to write.

But for now, we are in the Midst of Autumn. The Peak of Autumn Color will soon arrive. We are Busy, but the Busy-ness has a pattern to it. Overall, we try to go with the Flow of these Wondrous Things. On this day, we are Peaceful and Content.

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