Sunday, October 5, 2008


October 2:

We have harvested our Popcorn and Field Corn "Crops". The Popcorn is a Purdue 410 Hybrid (Yellow) and Snow Puff Hybrid (White). The Field Corn varieties are Boone County White Dent Corn and Reid's Yellow Dent Corn. Our Seed Source was Shumway's.

We 3 C's harvested by Hand. You might just scratch your head and think: "My Goodness, there's no limit to the work those Crawfords would take on." Our Harvest took just a few minutes and volumewise, we could carry it in 3 armloads from the Big Field to the Deck.

We had hoped to produce Corn for the Chickens and the Humans. However, that was the Human Plan early in the Season.

The Corn Plants produced fewer ears than we expected. The ears were small and some were not completely filled out. Plus, our Neighbors, the Deer and the Raccoons, had taken what they thought was their Fair Share of the Harvest. We shall be deliberating on that.

All of our Farming Experiences come with a slate of Questions. We wonder about the effects of the deluges of Rains on our Growing Corn this Summer. The Plants were surely stressed. Were the Corn Plants fully pollinated?

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