Saturday, February 11, 2012


 February 5:

I chuckle because I am just beginning my relationship with my new little camera. And she tells me I have a ways to go to experience that relationship fully. This morning, Richard and I headed out for a beautiful walk. I had my camera in my right hand coat pocket ready for picture ops which might present themselves.

We have had rains these past 2 days. The rains have stopped and the sky on this day was beautiful, clear, and blue. I dearly love walking after a rain in the very early spring. Everything smells so alive. And so it did on this day.  No, I did not even think to use my camera to capture that feeling.

We intentionally stopped by the Pond on our morning route. That's not hard to do as the path is a circle. With each rain, our antenna are up: "I wonder what the pond will look like." After each nourishing rain, I think the pond will be full. Well, it hasn't as yet been nor is it full today. The pond reminds me of the virtue "patience". I need little reminders, and they are provided.

I took pictures along the way. But some of my favorite views on this day were of the Blue and Snow Geese overhead against the brilliant blue sky. Once again, we could hear their distinctive high pitched calls above and resonating all around. I set my camera for point and shoot with the zoom on, of course. I have not mastered this camera and consequently, I got some great pictures of blue sky. And in this one, I managed to get a few Geese. I am sure they were chuckling from their views overhead. "That Human... There she goes again."  Maybe some things are best felt rather than captured in digital.

A week ago, the Geese were moving west on their northward pattern of migration which is a sure marker for spring in these parts. They will spend some time on the National Wildlife Refuges on the Missouri River (which are west of here) as they wait until just the right time to head north. When the winter like weather came in at the tail end of this week, they could be found making a "bee line" back east. "It is not time." On this day, they were headed back west. I felt like I might be at the Snow Geese version of a tennis match.

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