Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Lot about Life

All the Cabbage Seedlings that I was privileged to watch grow in my care have now found their place in Human Homes. Although somewhat numerically challenged and dizzied by the abundance of a myriad of growing things, I count 160 Cabbages in 3 varieties (Danish Ballhead, Premium Late Flat Dutch, Henderson's Charleston Wakefield). These Vibrant Little Plants have found their place in the Gardens of 14 Families.

I ponder the Sacred Gift of being privileged to provide Plants which will become Food for Another. That's a lot to chew on. It comes with a contract to the Divine to tend the Soils respectfully, to launch the Plants with the Greatest Loving Energy that I can muster, and to offer that which has the Greatest Potential Life Force for another. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be? The Earth Mother has mouths to feed now but more mouths to feed in the Future.

On Sunday, I planted the last of our 31 Cabbages in the 2 beautiful and brand new Raised Beds that Richard and Melanie created. That makes a total of 42 Cabbages planted here at the Farm.

As I tend the Soil and tend the Plants, the Divine seems to be gardening in me. Much is sprouting. I am learning a lot about Life.

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