Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rainy Day

Today has been mostly a Gray Day with Heavy Clouds seeking to touch the Ground. After 1 1/2 inches of Rain in the last few days, more Rain settled in late this Afternoon.

Laddie continues to take his outside work seriously. He was ever alert to the 2 Hen Turkeys who strolled in single file across the west side of the Farm. But he was alert for Dinnertime too. Upon arrival inside, he was met with a big Towel and some vigorous hands to dry him off. He wasn't too pleased, but accepted that the Human agenda surely had a purpose.

A hot meal of Homemade Spaghetti was in order. After dishes, Richard headed outside to check drainage patterns in the Garden. The northeast 1/3 of the Garden still needs work, but all other areas are working fine.

We can see those Peas from inside. They are really growing. We need to get up Fencing for Support when the Soil dries out some.

Melanie headed out to check on the Chickens. We have often thought that on these days, they should all have little Yellow Slickers, Hats, and Boots. If we went this far, we would need to have them all hung up by the Hen House Door. I remember the "to do" of Mrs. Humphrey, my Kindergarten Teacher, as she got us all ready to go outside or come inside. Patience was a virtue then. Patience is a virtue now.

Richard and Melanie come back inside. Melanie announces: "Mom. It's wet."

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