Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Filled with Story

March 22:

The Eastern Boundary of our Little Farm is marked by a line of rambunctious Osage Orange (also known locally as Hedge Apples). At one time, the boundary also played host to a fence of Barbed Wire. The Osage Orange was probably placed there as Fenceposts. Farmers found out pretty quickly that Osage Orange will resprout if Green. The Barbed Wire now is in a tangle around and through the Trees. The whole thing looks like we have a "woven basket" along the Eastern edge.

Oaks mark the northeast and southeast corners; we speculate that they were stategically placed there as markers. Over time, other Oaks, Wild Cherries, and Honey Locusts have added themselves to the mix.

We have a few mature Honey Locusts. We 3 C's call them our "Serengeti Trees", as they are tall and with an almost umbrella like canopy. Honey Locusts are invasive. Plus, they have the peculiar habit of being very thorny and those thorns can do great damage.

Yet, surely there is more going on there. Plants "move in succession". From what we have heard, Honey Locusts actually are Legumes and fix Nitrogen in the Soil. For Soil that is pretty worn, that is important. We often wonder what is going on out there in the Plant Community of which we have no clue. Nature does try to work to "heal Herself".

We do wonder about all the "Scripts that have been in place here". When I walk that Boundary, I wonder whose Hands planted the Osage Orange and the Corner Oaks. Who were they? What dreams did they bring this place? When?

I stand in a Beautiful Land filled with Story.

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