Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nature Notes

These days, our Senses are alert to shifts in the Natural World. "She's comin' alive!" Nature is moving toward Spring. Everything is changing. We are all "expectant" and "excited" of what is to come. It is as if we have awoken from a long slumber.

Even when we are inside, we are constantly looking out. "Look!" I said to Melanie. And I pointed toward the Austree's in front. About a dozen Robins were dancing about, looking for Food. They must have just arrived as we had not noticed them before. By the time we could note it to Richard, they were gone.

Don't blink.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glinda, I saw a robin yesterday, too! Just wanted to let you know I enjoy reading about your thoughts and activities on the farm.