Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wild Edibles

Our Salad for Supper tonight was wonderful.  I am happy to report that Greens now are a regular fixture.  That includes those we raise in the Garden and Wild Edibles which Nature shares in profusion. 

The Salad included:  a Wild Edible Richard calls Pepper Grass (found in abundance on our Aged Cow Compost Pile, or any place we have used it), Walking Onions (plant from Kitty), Chives (plant from Mother), Garlic (plant from Vernell), Quinoa, Fresh Cilantro, Dried Tomatoes, Asparagus (the very 1st we have ever raised), Vinegar, and Olive Oil.  We raised all but the Quinoa, Vinegar and Olive Oil.  We had Goat Cheese (from Wren Song) on the side for anyone who wanted it.  For now, I am taking a break from Dairy.

I have to admit that I am both intrigued and largely ignorant of Wild Edibles.  It is almost like the citified and highly educated me has spent most of her life with blinders on.  I just haven't seen them.  But they have been patiently waiting around me all of these years.  They have been waving their little arms, saying: "Pick me."  And I just kept and keep walking by oblivious.  Richard grew up using some Wild Edibles so he has pretty much led the charge on this one. Melanie and I are eager "tag alongs". 

This little Enty should come with words of caution.  I know enough to know that one should not eat a Wild Plant without first being sure that it is the plant you intend and that plant is indeed edible.  Some aren't.  A few will make you sick, and there are some that are poisonous.  There are some good books on Wild Edibles out there and some of our favorites will be the subject of a future Blog.  Names vary by the specific culture and Folk Lore of a location. One should make sure that the Wild Edible comes from an area which is safe, that would include being free of nasty agricultural or lawn chemicals, as well as away from drainage along roadsides. Those are the contributions of Humans to Nature. 

For now, I still savor the look and taste of that wonderful Salad which just smiled up at us from the Dinner Table.

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