Friday, September 16, 2011

Much Needed Rain

Today it began to rain.  We didn't get much, but it was such a relief.  Over the last few weeks, we Gardeners have talked often about the need for Rain.  Growing Food Crops just doesn't follow a normal pattern without Rain.  In other words, you don't get much from the Garden without Rain.

I was in town today and happened to talk with a woman who was complaining about the Rain.  I was stunned.  I looked at her and I said quietly:  "We really need Rain."  "OK" she said.  "It can rain today but it can't tomorrow."

Yes, I know that we Humans have big plans for all of our tomorrows and that Rain sometimes intercedes.  But I try never to complain about a gift from the Creator, especially when we need it so much.  Rather, my Heart and my Spirit radiate gratitude.  Isn't that what we should do?  Seems the best approach for me.

I am reminded that among many Native People is a belief that there is an intimate relationship between the consciousness of the Humans and the Earth.  Humans, by their thoughts, can actually interfere with natural cycles of the Earth or support them.  I should surely like to be counted in the latter.

Thank you, Creator, for this much needed Rain.

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