Monday, September 14, 2009

Magazine to Inspire

Yes Magazine: Supporting You in Building a Just and Sustainable World (
When I began this walk in the mid 90s, I ran across Yes Magazine. (I believe it went by an earlier name at that time.) I subscribed immediately. This magazine never fails to inspire me.

During that earlier time, I began to check out of "gloom and doom news" of mainstream, corporate sponsored media. "Gloom and doom news" plants seeds of hopelessness and disempowerment among the people, plus domination, violence and materialism as the only solution to problems. Those approaches were only a small part of the real news. But that oppressive part was placing a blanket of helplessness over all it could touch. I refused to let it touch me.

Instead, I began surrounding myself with resources where I could read about People Who Were Making a Difference. They are. We can. And we are.

1 comment:

Fran Korten said...


Thanks for the warm words about YES! Magazine. You have certainly caught the spirit of our mission -- to inspire people through a fusion of powerful ideas and practical actions that show what is truly possible. You may be interested to know that on our website we are posting inspiring "YES! Takes" on the news every day. See
Fran Korten, Publisher, YES! Magazine