Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Signs of Harvest

Harvest continues. The Volume of our Canning increases as we are serious about Food Stores for the coming Months. On any given year, we may have an abundance of one kind of produce and nothing the following year. We can what we have and hope that it stretches over the leaner times.

All this Canning means that we need Jars. My Sister-in Law, Deleta, passed on Jars someone had given to her. We were ever so grateful. Richard cleaned them up and put them right to work. We seem to continue to need more, so today, he picked up some more to add to our Stash.

So what are we canning these days? For now, we are finishing Tomatoes and soon will be canning Carrots. The Canned Tomatoes should be just about complete, as is the Salsa and Ketchup. Richard has plans for Ravioli Sauce. He reported this Evening that the End is in Sight for Tomatoes in the Garden.

When we moved, several Friends helped with packing, which seemed to go on Forever at the Time. Dave and Cec Lambeth packed Jars, Lids and Rims. To People who do not can or can at the volume we do, we must have seemed like we had the biggest stash ever. As they completed each box, they carefully wrote what was contained inside. I remember Dave wrote: "Lids, Lids, and More Lids." We smiled. We even have more now.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You can never have too many jars & lids! Especially if you are inclined to give some of what you can away to friends and neighbors. ;)