Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Molasses Making 2009 Complete

I think it is fair to say that we were tired today. Batch 3, which is our last batch of the season, is now complete. As Richard described, the moment was "happy, sad". We are happy that Molasses Making was successful and complete. We are jubilant about the latter. But we were sad that it was done.

Once again, this Batch was different and we had some teachings. The Cane was riper. The beginning and end product were a very different shade of brown. Boiling happened evenly, rapidly, and throughout the length of the Pan. The Juice cooked down relatively quickly. That last Boil, just before the Batch was done, was "creamy". The Batch was thicker. Taste was excellent. It was a beautiful Fall Day, warm during the Day and cool on either side. We found ourselves in the company of some Bees.

While Life seems to "stop" in the middle of Molasses Season. It really doesn't. It continues to flow. We had some distractions. David and Lurah had some health issues in those moments. We were very aware. We were grateful they could get the medical attention that they need. Somehow, it was important to be together. The web of Family gave them and us support as we held them in a healing light.

Some surprises happened. KTVO Channel 3 showed up to film our Molasses Making for the evening news. The decision was made for Richard to speak for the Process, which he reluctantly did. The 2 Brothers, Hollis Dale, and Melanie worked in the background around the Pan. While it was sweet to share, a bit of the innocence of the process seemed to be taken away.

I do believe that the reclaiming of enduring Family Traditions is a major yearning of our Times. I would hope that as this story is shared that it can enter the world in a good way.And so we ended Molasses Making 2009. A good time was had by all. The interweavings of Family and Friends were magical and inspiring. The Tree of Life just keeps growing. In all, 5 generations of our family have made Molasses in this location.

Making Molasses is a physically intense process. Some Folks were dealing with issues which affected their ability to be involved at a level to which they were accustomed and they desired. These are issues which we will have to seriously consider and accommodate for in the future. The assistance of volunteers was especially helpful in giving support.

In the meantime, with the completion of the Season, other things have been temporarily set aside. They will now get our attention. The Wheel of Life just keeps moving on.

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