Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ice Artistry

Melanie took these pictures of Ice Artistry. I took a few too. Once again, that Master Artist/Sculptor has been at work. It is hard for we lowly Humans to take any credit for these Pics, which are mostly around the House and Garden.

That little Blue Bird House in the Garden held and launched Families of Tree Swallows and Wrens last Summer. The Parents and later the Young gathered tasty treats from the Garden. We Humans liked that. I wonder where those Birds are now. And I wonder who are new feathered Neighbors will be this next Spring and Summer.

I love the way the Ice coats those things made by Humans. Somehow, most of the things made by Humans these days seem outside the realm of Nature. When Nature adds an embellishment of Ice, those contrived Human projects almost seem like something else.

The Chicken Wire looks like Fabric netting. It reminds me of the billowy Wedding Veil I wore in 1966, or those Crinoline Skirts that bounced when I wore them as a growing girl in the 50s and 60s. As the Temperature was rising, the Ice fell soon after the picture was taken.This is the Rainbow Gate in the Garden. The Blue Bird House sits on top.Melanie asked me to look at this picture again. With the Melt, the Ice is beginning to slide down the Wire. All during this Photo Shoot and after wards, the Ice was tumbling down everywhere. It sounded like the tinkling of Wind Chimes all around.I love this Shelf Mushroom. As they are often in stair step form, I envision Fairies climbing through the Trees. With all the Ice, I hope they are careful. But rather, I suppose they enjoyed slipping and sliding about.Every Needle of the White Pines seemed to be covered. The Boughs hang low.The Clothesline featured Icicles carefully hung with invisible Clothes Pins.I loved this Scene. The Clothesline was covered with Ice and Icicles. I loved the straight lines in contrast the Natural Lines of the Clothesline Poles which were made from Osage Orange. In the background on the left, the Austree is bent with the weight of the Ice. Fortunately, we had little Wind and the Melt was relatively quick. The White Pines along the Drive were bent down in what looked like lovely Ball Gowns at some lovely and graceful unseen Ball.
We did not walk down into the Woods. With all the Ice Falling and Limbs too, it didn't seem like the best idea. We Humans seem to be slow Learners sometimes, but we do learn.

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