Monday, January 18, 2010

In Melanie's Book Stash

Melanie has quite a collection of books which are mostly from her days of teaching 5th grade. While most of our books are still packed, she pulled out her books that would be in the spirit of Martin Luther King Day. Here are just a few. The 1st 6 are children's books and also appropriate for adults. The last listed is for adults.

Brandt, Keith. (1993). Rosa Parks: Fight for Freedom. Troll Associates.
Bridges, Ruby. (1999). Through her Eyes. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Hamilton, Virginia. (1985). The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales. New York: Scholastic Inc.
King, Dr. Martin Luther. (No Date). I Have a Dream. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Levine, Ellen. (1990). ...If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King. New York: Scholastic Inc.
Sabin, Francene. (1985). Harriet Tubman. Mahwah, NJ: Troll Associates.
Holmes, Robert L., and Gan, Barry L. (2005). Nonviolence in Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

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