Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beautiful Full Day

The Fence was raised to 6 feet,
which was a big and urgent project.
Richard and Hollis (with Hollis' truck)
headed to town,
where they purchased
more fencing and 8 foot "T" posts.
Richard and Melanie spent the afternoon
raising the Fence to 6 feet.
I was in town doing town things.
By evening, Richard was staking tomatoes,
Melanie worked on paths,
and the 3 of us weeded, weeded, weeded.
It's dark now.
I wonder what the Deer think
about these new developments.
The Garden is really growing
by leaps and bounds.
Yes, we have had a lot of rain,
yes, we have surely taken a lot of hits,
and yes, we are making progress
getting ahead of the weeds.
But the Garden overall looks just beautiful.
We are ever so grateful.
Glinda Crawford, 2010

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