Wednesday, May 6, 2009


We are in the midst of turning Soil and Planting our Garden, as this is the 1st big spurt after a long cool, wet spell. After the waiting at such a Season, the Gardener's urge to plant often becomes intense. When the window of opportunity finally arrives, the Whole World seems to drop away from the Gardener's goal of putting Seeds in the Soil. It feels so good.

On my way to the Garden these past 2 days, I have grabbed my wonderful Straw Hat with its wide brim. It is a standard part of my Gardener's attire. As long as the day is not windy, the Hat does quite the trick of keeping the Sun off my face and sharing a bit of coolness besides. I feel like I am a walking umbrella.

Today, I made a quick trip to see Mother at the Nursing Home. While my clean dark blue overalls and sky blue shirt were my "in town fare", my hat and shoes (bright yellow Crocs) were pure Garden. I just knew I had to wear that Hat to the Nursing Home.

It seems to me that Folks in Nursing Homes are often diminished in their sensory experiences which give Life identity and meaning. Much of the familiar has dropped away. Nevermind, that our Society in its intentions of uniformity (AKA, city-fying everything) has surgically removed some very beautiful and unique aspects of old style rural living.

I have decided that I will carry some of these tangible things that give meaning into the Nursing Home. I love to break the rules, especially rules that seem to diminish living.

So, I journeyed there today with my Hat. The Ladies immediately smiled and they reached out. One even caught my attention and said "That is a good thing." She was pointing at my Hat. I don't ever remember seeing her before.

Another said, "My Grandmother always wore a Bonnet." She went into detail describing it. "It had 2 cardboard pieces on the sides which held the front piece out." She demonstrated with her hands. Throughout, she just smiled and became quite animated. In fact, I have never seen her so animated. I asked the Ladies if they were Gardeners and did they wear a Hat? Many nodded and smiled.

When I got home, we talked about Richard's Mother's bonnet. Richard remembered the cardboard pieces. They were cut from cereal boxes. I wonder if Deleta might have a pattern. It seems like a Bonnet of her signature style should surely have a place on this little Farm. (Hey, Deleta, do I remember your saying you had one of her Bonnets? Could we cut a pattern?)

Tomorrow, I plan to wear Garden attire and carry a Hoe on my visit to the Nursing Home. That Hoe is one that Mother has hanging in the usual spot just waiting for the next use. It is an old one. I hope to reclaim a bit of its story. I wonder what other stories will be percolating with this visit.

Today they were still talking about those Baby Chickens which Melanie and I brought yesterday. And they were still smiling. We were too.

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