Saturday, May 2, 2009


We are entering a very busy season here at Butterfly Hill Farm. The Rains have slowed our progress in the Garden. As soon as the Soil dries a bit, we will be planting with as much energy as we can muster.

We have over 800 plants that we have grown from Seeds or other starts. They are just waiting for that perfect moment to make their presence known in the Soil. We planted about 30 Leeks this evening, but the ground was still far too wet to plant them all.

Assuming all goes well, Lacey should have little Chicks in 2 to 4 more days. Plus, we have an order of 50 White Rock Males and 5 Black Australorp Females scheduled for arrival on Tuesday or Wednesday. Melanie has said that she is wiping the schedule clean this week just to be open for all the responsibilities unfolding.

I had talked before about the baby Bunnies in the Strawberry Bed. Mother Rabbit had 7 Bunnies. Unfortunately, the Rains produced more water than her carefully constructed nest could withstand. Four Bunnies were lost. Last night, Melanie brought 3 Bunnies in. I held them to warm them up and she fed them.

Richard just smiles through it all and shakes his head a bit. He never knows what adventures the 2 of us might be involved in.
Melanie is feeding the 3 Little Bunnies with an eyedropper. For supper tonight, they each had about 5 dropperfuls of Cow's Milk which is a substantial increase in just 24 hours. The Little One just learned how to swallow tonight.

Two barely have their eyes open. All 3 are at slightly different stages of development. The more developed Bunnie has its eyes open more fully. Because it can see more, its little ears are coming up too. We think that means curiosity. I noted last night that while they had limited coordination, they already seemed to know how to hop.

We smile at the contradiction of trying to keep Rabbits out of the Garden to protect our food crop and the reality that we are raising 3 more. Richard says it is likely that these 3 will be actively involved in producing young by fall. This is not the average course of action for Gardeners, I suppose.

Tonight, we watched the Mother Rabbit head back into the Garden seemingly to seek out her young. That made us sad. We are no substitute for the Mother Rabbit, but we will do the best that we can.

The addition of the Bunnies to our little Family is just a little sidebar to the expected activities of a season which grows in busy-ness. The Little Bunnies should be ready to head out on their own very soon. It is indeed an amazing time on the Farm, where New Life seems to be bursting all around.

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