Wednesday, May 20, 2009


too much stuff
is going on.
How do I pause to write?
Last week, I was sick.
Things slowed down to a crawl.
We had tornadoes in Adair County.
We are fine.
We did not even know
about it until the next day.
Others were not so lucky.
We had heavy rains,
cool temperatures.
One morning, we awoke to frost,
which is late for these parts.
Soil was saturated.
As Soil dried,
some places became hard.
How can Seedlings push their way
through hardened clay?
We Gardeners are intent upon growing our own food.
We could not reach into the Garden muck.
As the Garden dried these past 2 days,
Richard began building raised beds,
which should permit the Soil draining.
Plus, those raised beds have a delicious layer
of Composted Cow Manure.
We should be able to get into the Garden earlier next year.
Our Garden is beginning to take on a planned look.
It has a good feel.
We knew so little about growing food here
when we arrived just 2 years ago.
In the meantime, we plan plantings
based on optimal conditions for Leaf, Root, Fruit, Flower.
The cool season of Spring is beginning to shift into Summer.
We feel an urgency.
Sometimes our plans will work as we expect.
Other times not.
We will keep on learning.
Glinda Crawford, 2009

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