Monday, May 16, 2011

Congratulations Dr. Bravo, Dr. Bramon and Families

The Artist and Writer in me almost always has a plan.  Sometimes the Universe has another plan for me.  In this case, it was Blogger.  The ordering of these pictures is not exactly as I had hoped.  I tried and tried to get them to go according to my order.  But it was not to be.  So I shall leave it up to the Reader to sort this out. While you are doing it, please note that I gave up, completed the copy, then headed to bed. But I digress.

On Saturday, we had a very special day.  Four years ago, we were newbies on this little Farm.  I suppose that we still are.  We were entering a kind of school.  And as Richard has said many times, "The learning curve is steep."  Simultaneously, some magical creatures were popping into our lives.  They were entering their own kind of school.  They were intent upon becoming Doctors: Doctors of Osteopathy.

Enter Rachel.  And along with her came: Joni, Sarah, and Maria.  Rachel, Joni and Maria were classmates right here at A.T. Still University.  Sarah was Rachel's special friend who was also in Med School, but on the west coast. I shall forever remember that special day in December when Rachel, Sarah and Joni came in a fog out to our house.  They left in a fog too.  Maria was Rachel's roommate.  We had far more interactions with Rachel, Maria, and Joni.  This little entry is mostly about them.

Four years later, their cohort was ready for graduation ceremonies.  Rachel will take one more year because she took a special fellowship. Joni and Maria walked across that stage, meeting all their requirements and taking their Osteopathic Physician's Oath.  They are now Dr. Bramon and Dr. Bravo.

We 3 C's were thrilled to join their families at the graduation celebration, before and after too. This was such a special day to celebrate human accomplishment, family and team support, interweaving of family and community, growing, taking on challenges, completing goals, making a commitment toward entering a profession directed toward healing.

This is the 1st graduation for D.O.'s that I have attended.  But I have to say something about it was familiar.  Perhaps it related to the graduations of 3 of my Uncles:  Drs. Harley Samuel Wiles (class of 1903), Louis Brenz (class of 1903), and Albert Alexander Griffin (class of 1949). Our family is steeped in the lore and legend of these 3 Doctors and their education here. 

I looked at the pictures of Uncle Harl (with presumably his sister, who also graduated) and Uncle Louis.  They are filled with the excitement of completion of a goal that was very special too them.  That same look was all over the graduates on this beautiful Saturday. 

I am sure that considerable progress has been made in Osteopathic Medicine in that time, as well as considerable change in our world too.  One can ponder what changes the world will see in another 100 years.

But in the meantime, we 3 C's congratulate the 2 new Doctors.  We wish them well in their journeys ahead.  We celebrate the exquisite interconnections of our paths. We thank them and their families for including us in their special celebratons. And we look forward to Rachel's special day in the Sun May 12, 2012.

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