Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Two Titles

This little entry could be called by 2 Titles: Prayer Flags and Anniversary. They are not really related, but something sort of whimsically tethered them together.

Prayer Flags: Melanie made Prayer Flags for me for Christmas 2008. Her Dad was her assistant. Each of the 20 or so Flags was in a bright Rainbow Color and they were strung together with Twine. In the Spring, I put images with marker on each and every one. Considering the tenderness of our world these days, it was easy to come up with a Prayer Image for each and everyone.

The Summer and Fall were very busy. In fact, they just swept the Humans away on growing and harvesting agendas. We hung the Prayer Flags in October in 1 of my favorite meditative spots in the Woods. Those Prayer Flags hung beautifully in the breezes for about a month. But then things began to change. Another agenda which was different than the Human 1 was set in place.

1st, we noted that the Twine had been cut. Then the Flags began to disappear, sometimes 1 by 1, other times at a far swifter pace. Two weeks ago, they were all gone.

At 1st I was frustrated. Something had taken my beautiful Gift. Then I began to smile. I had put my Prayer Flags at the height a Human could reach, and something was taking them much higher.

We speculated Squirrels. That was a good Guess considering the 8 Squirrel Condos high in the Trees. Melanie thought that the Red and Gray Squirrels were fashioning Capes so that they could fly like the Flying Squirrels. We wished we could have seen those Prayer Flags on the Move.

Anniversary: Today is Richard and my 43rd Anniversary. We were married 43 years ago on this day. After a beautiful Brunch and what amounts to a mostly slow day, we had a lovely Walk around the Farm this Afternoon.

When we reached the area where the Flags had been, Richard had me stop and look high up into the tops of the Trees. Sure enough, we could see bits of Red poking out of 1 Squirrel Nest, and Green poking out another. Melanie came to join us. We all 3 looked up and smiled.

For this Day, the Calendar from the Missouri Department of Conservation says that "Squirrels gather in nests to conserve energy". Such could be said about the Humans on this Day too. While the Squirrels have surely taken my Prayers to new heights, they may also be decorating their homes too. We Humans are settling into our Home. We are surely not so different after all.

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