Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blessings for the New Year

This is New Year's Eve, according to the Gregorian Calendar. Tomorrow, that Calendar will turn a new page and a new decade: 2010. How can that be? I hadn't completely gotten used to writing that 200 followed by the new digit that popped up at the beginning of each of the last few years.

We 3 C's extend our Best Wishes for the New Year to all those with whom we share the Beautiful Planet Earth Swirling in the Great Cosmic Sea. That would include the Human and the Non-Human.

May the coming Year be a time when Inner Peace and Outer Peace become not only something for which we deeply yearn but something that we experience on every level imaginable. May we radiate and be enfolded by Love, Light, Peace, Hope, Joy, and Grace that we so deeply seek. May we look back on this place in time and see that it was a turning point for our coming into our Fullness as Individuals and as a Human Species.

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