Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just Who Are We Waiting For?

We Affluent
and so called "Modern" Humans
keep waiting
for someone else
to fix the problem.
We wait
for Lawmakers
to establish policies
that will do it all.
We wait
for Big Business
to change their practices
so that they are Greener
and more Respectful
of all Life Forms.
We naively assume 
that those who sell products
with decisions
based on personal gain
will automatically offer
something safe.
Not so.
A poisoned Planet,
rising Sea Levels,
Climate and Weather Patterns
out of Whack,
increasingly foul Air and Water,
degraded Soils,
diminished Species,
rising health issues
bear witness
to the havoc
we have created
in this Paradise
that we were given.
Assuming someone else
will rescue us
dumbs us all
We Humans
have the power
to change the mess out there
in every single step
that we take right here.
OK, Folks, let's do it. 
We are running
out of time
on this one.
We 3 C's
are not waiting
for anyone.
We are proceeding
with action strategies
that will make our world
a better place,
will lessen the impact
of these 3 Humans,
will allow us
to nod our heads and
say we did all that we could.
It isn't easy,
and we absolutely love
every step of it.
Glinda Crawford, 2011

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