Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thanks Rob...

We have entered a season of our Friend, the Computer, "being on the Fritz".  The Computer, which is one of the few things on the Farm that we have not named, seems to have been "toasted". 

Perhaps it was the lightning strike which was close.  Or perhaps it was the fact that we had never vacuumed out the innards of the tower.  We never knew that we could or should.  Upon opening it, we were shown by our friend Rob a nice collection of dust and spider webs which have accumulated these last 6 years.  He explained such things cause the machine to overheat.  Plus, we know that Computers simply age and they age quickly in fast times. 

Anyway, he helped to resurrect it and save our files, for which we are grateful.  The fingers are flying on the computer once again.  Thanks Rob...

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