Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Biodynamic Calendar

For Garden 2009, we discovered the Biodynamic Calendar from Stella Natura through our Friends at Wren Song Farm down the Lane. We found the Calendar absolutely superb. The Calendar incorporates data from Astronomy which gives guidance on planting, cultivating, and harvesting plants whose main use is intended to be "leaf", "root", "flower", "fruit". The Guide takes planting "in the Sign" up a notch.

I feel tongue tied to explain this. My training in such things is minimal to none. But my gut says that this is "spot on". Melanie and I tried to incorporate information on planting from the Calendar throughout the season. As time went on, Richard came on board too.

The Calendar specifies days and times which are optimal, as well as those times when one should not. The cycles for planting seem to be roughly repeated about every 7 to 10 days. Since we planted such a large array of plants, it gave us an excellent format for planting.

We will be using this in more depth for Garden 2010. Some Folks might say this is pretty far out. However, when you go to all the effort to grow your own food like we do, why not take advantage of all the help you can get?

We will be ordering soon.

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